Allows you to import and track multiple tracking numbers and receive Proof of Delivery. 允许您导入和追踪多个包裹追踪编码,并接收递送证明。
With proof of delivery, you can find out what time a shipment arrived at its destination and generate a proof of delivery letter for your records. 透过派送证明,您可以找到货件到达目的地的时间,并为您的记录产生一封派送证明信件。
Accelerates receivables-with improved access to delivery information, you can provide faster proof of delivery to shipment recipients, which triggers payment. 加快收款-透过改善对派送资讯的存取,您可向货件收件人提供更快的派送证明,促使其尽快付款。
The seller must provide the buyer at the seller's expense with the usual proof of delivery of the goods in accordance with A4. 卖方必须自付费用向买方提供证明按照A4规定交货的通常单据。
Receive proof of delivery for your shipments, and import and save tracking numbers to avoid re-entering them each time you track a shipment. 收取货件的签收证明,汇入及储存追踪号码,以免每次追踪货件时再重新输入。
Proof comes from the reaction of economists and investors to the announcement and delivery of QE2 by the Federal Reserve last year. 从经济学家和投资者对美联储(fed)去年提出的二次定量宽松政策声明及实施情况的反应,可以找到这方面的证据。
To request proof of delivery, please follow the instructions below. 要请求递送证明,请遵循下面的指导信息。